How to apply rolling gate scroll spring?

Clock springs are also called coil springs. Rolling gate springs are special devices that allow the high-tenacity steel chain to be shaped. When an external force is used to straighten it, it will naturally roll back and become elastic. The fixed-force spring spring achieves its purpose and can be moved again. Returns a specific starting point. Coil springs have been widely used in various areas of daily life, such as rolling shutters.

The basic principle of the accessory coil spring energy storage technology: the spring is installed in a container, and the inner and outer hooks of the spring spring rotate the container or the spring connection shaft, and the spring spring will tighten, which has the function of energy storage.

Due to the material and shape characteristics of the spring, the spring will expand and increase the amount of radiation according to the contraction of the spring. The stored kinetic energy of the clockwork spring is determined by the number of turns the clockwork spring tightens.

The rolling shutter door, also known as the "electric rolling shutter door", is a door with many movable door leaves connected in series and rotating left and right as the center on a fixed cableway. However, there are two problems with this door. Now the rolling shutter door will drop rapidly when it is pulled to a certain height; after we pull up the rolling shutter door, it becomes unable to move and gets stuck.

According to practical research, there are two reasons: 1. Trend problem. 2. Caused by the earth’s gravity.

Able to solve the above two problems in a limited space at a reasonable and low cost, the "clockwork spring" can help us solve the problems of automatic rotation and gravity. When we drive the rolling shutter, the driving force stores energy in the "spring"; when the pull-down menu reaches a certain height, the energy stored in the "spring" can balance the energy of the earth's gravity. Also in the pull-up process, we also use its energy storage technology to balance the rotation and promote the rolling shutter to achieve the desired effect.

From prototype manufacturing to mass production, customers need engineers with rich experience and skills. Since different applications require different coil springs, customers can leave messages online and our engineers will provide you with professional assistance.

Clockwork coil spring (making small mechanical parts--introduction to the manufacturing method of coil spring)

Clockwork spring is a common form of mechanical parts. Its main function is to provide elastic force in the mechanical device so that the mechanical device can work normally. Clockwork springs are often used in small mechanical devices such as clocks, toys, and vending machines. Making a clockwork coil spring requires the use of certain materials and tools. Next, we will introduce in detail the method of making a clockwork coil spring.
1. Material preparation
The materials used to make clockwork coil springs include steel wire and spring coiling machines. Steel wire is the most critical material for making clockwork coil springs. Hot-rolled high-carbon steel or cold-drawn sand wire steel is generally used. These two types of steel wire have good elasticity and can withstand large stresses, making them suitable for making the large number of springs required. The spring coiling machine is a machine specially designed for the production of spring coil springs. Different coiling hooks are usually installed in the spring coiling machine in order to produce various spring coil springs of different shapes.
2. Adjustment of spring coiling machine
Before starting to make spring coil springs, the spring coiling machine needs to be adjusted to ensure that the produced spring coil springs meet the requirements. First, you need to choose a suitable spring coiling machine to ensure that it can meet the size and shape of the spring coil spring you need to make. Then, select the coil hook that corresponds to the diameter of the desired coil spring, and adjust the coil hook to ensure that the diameter of the spring coil spring is within the desired range.
3. Making a clockwork coil spring
When making a spring coil spring, you need to cut a certain length of steel wire on the steel wire, then clamp the end of the steel wire, fix it on the adjustable clamp on the spring coiling machine, and manually rotate the spring coiling machine to make the steel wire start to curl. Become a coil spring. During the coiling process, the coiling hook needs to be constantly adjusted to ensure the accuracy and strength of the coiled spring. At the same time, you need to follow the following production steps:
1. Insert one end of the wire into the hole in the spring coiler and clamp the end of the wire.
2. Fix the spring coiling machine on the table and turn the hook left/right so that the steel wire begins to bend with the contribution of the hook.
3. Continue to curl the wire downwards to the desired length until the coil spring reaches the desired diameter.
4. Trim and cut off the excess.
4. Testing and Adjustment
After the production is completed, the spring coil spring needs to be tested and adjusted to ensure that it meets the requirements. First, the length and diameter of the spring coil spring need to be measured to confirm whether it meets the required specifications. The spring coil can then be adjusted using tools such as pliers to achieve the desired shape and strength.
Making clockwork coil springs requires the use of special spring coiling machines and steel wire and other materials. During the production process, attention needs to be paid to controlling the rotation speed of the spring coiling machine and the shape of the coiling hook to ensure that the spring coil spring produced meets the required specifications. After production is complete, testing and adjustments are required to ensure the quality and performance of the clockwork coil spring.

Clockwork spring torque: How to calculate spring torque?

Clockwork springs are commonly used elastic components when making mechanical devices. Their internal function is to convert or store mechanical energy. In mechanical devices, the torsion of the spring is a very important parameter, which determines the restoring force of the spring under a certain degree of compression or tension. This article will introduce how to calculate the torsion of a clockwork spring and provide some practical calculation methods.
1. Basic principles of clockwork springs
A clockwork spring is a coiled spring that stores energy and releases it when pressure or tension is removed. It has two end faces, one of which is fixed on the mechanical device and the other end face is connected to the mechanical component. When an external force acts on the connected mechanical parts, the spring deforms and stores energy in the bending state. Once the external force is released, the spring returns to its original state and releases the stored energy.
2. Calculate the torsion of the clockwork spring
Calculating the torsion force of a clockwork spring requires knowing the geometric and mechanical parameters of the spring. Their calculation formula is as follows:
1. Spring stiffness
Spring stiffness is the ratio of the spring's restoring force to its degree of flex. The stiffness of the spring can be calculated using the following formula:

k = (Gd^4)/(8ND^3)
Among them, k is the stiffness of the spring, G is the shear modulus of the material, d is the spring wire diameter, N is the number of turns of the spring, and D is the average diameter of the spring.
2. Spring torsion moment
The torsional moment of a spring can be calculated using the following formula:

T = kθ
Among them, T is the torsion moment generated by the spring, k is the stiffness of the spring, and θ is the angle of spring torsion.
3. Wire diameter, number of turns and average diameter
The wire diameter refers to the diameter of the spring steel wire, the number of turns refers to the number of turns of the spring, and the average diameter is the average diameter of the spring wire.
4. Angle deformation
When force is applied to a clockwork spring, it twists at a certain angle. Angle deformation can be calculated according to the following formula:

θ = TL / (Gd) ^ 4 N
Among them, L is the length of the spring, N is the number of turns, and d is the diameter of the spring steel wire.
5. Slope
Slope refers to the slope of the spring line. It can be calculated according to the following formula:

S = Dπ / (ND-t)
Among them, D is the average diameter of the spring wire, N is the number of turns of the spring, and t is the thickness of the spring.
3. Practical calculation methods
To make it easy to calculate spring torsion, there are many software and online calculators available. Some of them are free and offer several options, including calculating the load, angular deformation and spring ratio of a spring, while also providing useful charting and plotting capabilities.
When doing actual calculations, you need to pay attention to the following points:
1. The material and structure of the spring are related. You should know the material and size of the spring.
2. The torsion of the spring needs to be measured after the spring is tightened, rather than when the spring is not stressed.
3. When using springs, be sure to pay attention to the torsion of the spring and how to handle compression and tension.
4. Summary
The torsion of a clockwork spring is one of the important parameters in the design of mechanical components. This article presents basic formulas and practical methods for calculating spring spring torsion to assist designers in selecting appropriate spring sizes and materials. In practical applications, attention should be paid to the material and size of the spring, and online tools and software should be used for calculations whenever possible.

Corrosion resistance of customized spring spring stainless steel screen products

Among many screen partition products, stainless steel partitions are generally loved by everyone because of their corrosion resistance, heat resistance, durability and other properties. Today we will talk about the corrosion resistance properties of stainless steel partition products.

Stainless steel plates and stainless steel partition products have high corrosion resistance in corrosive substances. Spring production process stainless steel plates and stainless steel partition products have the ability to resist corrosion by gas, water, acid, alkali solutions or other substances.

Galvanic corrosion is a common condition. Metal materials will corrode in electrolyte solutions (acid, alkali, salt) solutions or humid air. This kind of corrosion belongs to the principle of galvanic battery. There is current generated during the whole process of the original battery principle. Because the metal is in the solution, a small number of molecules on its surface break away from the metal and enter the electrolyte solution, making the metal negatively charged; and the water-proof layer in direct contact with the metal contains positive electricity, so the surface of the metal and the solution This creates a potential difference, which is called the electrode potential.

When two metal materials are connected and enter the acidity and alkalinity of the solution, because the electrode potentials of the two are different, a battery will be formed between them, resulting in current. The metal with a lower electrode potential is anodized and will continue to be corroded, while the metal with a higher electrode potential is anode and will be protected. Similarly, if there are two or more different structures within the same metal material, batteries will also form, resulting in corrosion. For example, if the ferrite and cementite of a carbon steel structure are corroded in a sodium cyanide-alcohol solution, the ferrite will be corroded because its electrode potential is lower than that of cementite.

What materials are needed to make a custom spring spring?

A spring spring is a mechanical device, generally composed of springs and gears, used to drive machinery. When customizing a spring spring, you need to choose the right material to ensure good performance and service life of the spring spring. This article will introduce some common spring spring materials and their characteristics.

1. Steel wire

Steel wire is a material widely used in spring spring manufacturing. Generally speaking, the diameter of the steel wire used in spring springs is usually between 0.1-10 mm. Steel wire rods can be classified according to their grade, diameter and tensile strength.

When selecting steel wire rods, you need to consider the use environment and strength requirements. If the spring spring needs to work in a high temperature or corrosive environment, you should choose steel that is more resistant to corrosion or high temperature; if the spring spring needs to bear a larger load, you should choose a steel wire with higher tensile strength.

2. Titanium alloy

Titanium alloy is a material with light weight, high strength and strong corrosion resistance, so it is widely used in some special environments. Titanium alloy has good strength and elastic modulus and is suitable for manufacturing high-precision and high-load spring springs.

However, the cost of titanium alloy is higher than that of steel, and it is usually used in high-end customized constant force springs that require special materials.

3. Nitinol

Nickel-titanium alloy is a shape memory alloy. Compared with traditional materials, it has a unique characteristic: when the nickel-titanium alloy is heated, a memory effect occurs, allowing it to return to its original shape. This property makes NiTi alloys suitable for some special applications in spring springs, such as medical devices and antennas.

4. Cobalt chromium molybdenum steel

Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum steel is a high-strength, high-wear-resistant steel that is usually used in high-load and high-pressure environments. This material has high strength and wear resistance, making it suitable for the manufacture of high-quality spring springs.

All in all, choosing the right material is crucial to making a custom spring spring. Materials such as steel wire, titanium alloys, nickel-titanium alloys and cobalt-chromium-molybdenum steels are all widely used in spring spring manufacturing, but they each have different properties. Therefore, before determining the material, you must consider the actual use environment and requirements of the spring spring to choose the most suitable material.

Strip spring manufacturer constant force spring has material requirements

1. Brief description of constant force spring:

Constant force springs are also called "accessories". The spring parameter uses the kinetic energy that needs to be stored during elastic deformation to reduce vibration and impact on the mechanical equipment, and also uses the stored energy mass of elastic deformation. The advantages of accessories over traditional wire springs: a certain degree of flexibility is maintained throughout the entire stroke, the preload stroke is short, that is, a shorter stroke can achieve the required elasticity, and the initial length is lower than the wire spring. There are no restrictions on your itinerary.

The constant force spring is a steel chain product that is generally used under dynamic load conditions. The selection of spring springs requires that the tool steel must have a high ductility limit:

1. High compressive strength

2. High flexion enhancement (s/b)

3. High fatigue limit r (especially the empty fatigue limit), sufficient ductility and plastic deformation, and excellent process performance. At the same time, the spring steel strip also requires good cutting performance and low carburization sensitivity. It is very easy to process and shape under hot and cold conditions.

2. Characteristics of constant force springs:

1. The function is the same as that of most springs. Constant force springs are used under impact, vibration or long-term stress, so tool steel is required to have high strength, ductility limit, and high fatigue limit.

2. The processing technology stipulates that tool steel has certain cutting performance, is not easy to carburize, and has good process performance. Carbon tool steel is a high-quality carbon steel with a carbon content WC in the range of 0.6%-0.9%.

Aluminum alloy tool steels are mainly silicon-manganese steel grades. Their carbon content is slightly lower, and the key is to improve the properties by increasing the silicon content Wsi. In addition, there are also aluminum alloy tool steels made of chromium, tungsten, and vanadium.

In recent years, by integrating domestic resources and in accordance with the requirements for the application of new technologies in the design of cars and tractors, new steel grades have been developed that add boron, saw, molybdenum and other elements to silicon alloy steel, increasing the use of elastic. period, improving the quality of spring

Stress testing method for special-shaped springs

Stress testing method for special-shaped springs

Special-shaped springs are a general term for hook type, straight hook type, combination type, and multi-circle springs. Special-shaped springs can be made directly with a spring machine. The so-called special-shaped springs mean that their shapes are irregular, and they do not have strange shapes. .
For special-shaped springs with the same structure, under the same load, the stress of the stress spring with few effective circles or large helix angle, the results obtained by the two methods are quite different.
This is because with the increase of the helix angle and the eccentric load, the outer diameter or lateral deformation of the special-shaped spring is larger, so the stress is also larger. The torsion bar is made of high-purity 45 steel and is high-frequency quenched to obtain high surface hardness. and larger residual compressive stress, thereby improving fatigue life and anti-relaxation ability. With the wide application of special-shaped springs in electronic products, they are basically formed by stamping and automatic bending processing. At present, the main development of composite material joining technology is to develop valve springs. Stage shot peening and liquid nitriding process to improve surface residual compressive stress and improve fatigue life.

How to determine the amount of compression during spring compression?

How to determine the amount of compression during spring compression treatment

When the cylindrical spiral compression spring is under strong pressure, as the load increases, the shear stress on the surface of the spring material gradually increases until it exceeds the elastic limit of the material and plastic deformation occurs. The elastic limit of the material will gradually be reached near the core. After unloading, Due to the influence of the plastic deformation of the outer layer of the material, it cannot be completely restored to its original shape, resulting in residual deformation.
When such a spring works, the stress in the core of the material increases and the stress on the surface decreases. This change in stress can fully unleash the potential of the material. When designing normal springs, the ultimate deformation of the spring is generally considered and the ultimate stress of the spring will not be exceeded. The allowable shear stress of the material is different, the load category of the spring is different, and the allowable stress of the spring is also different.
The specific calculation can be based on the calculation formula of the deformation and shear stress of the spring when it is subjected to axial load. If it is less than the limit value, the spring can be compressed; if it is greater than the limit value, the limit value is the maximum compression amount. Beyond the limit value the spring will be permanently deformed.